Saturday, March 17, 2007

Article on Kakamega Forest

Upcoming Travel Dates

Here are my new travel dates for April. I will be available for piggy-back assignments. Hope all is well.

April 4-17. Uganda
April 18-May 1(?) Sudan

Feel free to contact me for further info! or

Running with the Kenyans

Hi, here are a few photos from Iten, Kenya where runners train at high elevation for marathons and track and field. It was a great few days of learning about marathons and following around the champs. These images are an overview of what a typical person would find walking down the street. I'm going back in a week to focus more on the typical living conditions of runners and follow around one or two people for a day. It's a great place.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Favorite Road in Kenya

This is Kakamega Road, which runs into a deep forest. I just fell in love with this road...the saturated red dirt and all the people passing by in the rain. Here are a few snaps from my journey walking down the street.

Tea Time

These batch of images are for a safari company based in Nairobi, Kenya. I was assigned to photograph the tea plantation workers. It was a great day of taking snaps!

Masai Village

I was lucky enough to be given the chance to photograph in a typical Masai Village in Southern Kenya. A friend of mine is Masai and these are some of his family friends. Enjoy!

Behind the Scenes